Materials and Techniques: Casting

slides Materials and Techniques (Casting) 1-12-2003

Year I Introduction to Art History Materials and Techniques 1st December 2003


Slide 1: Verona, S. Zeno, Bronze doors

Slide 2: Verona, S. Zeno doors, Dance of Salome

Slide 3: Ghiberti, North Baptistery doors

Slide 4: Ghiberti and Brunelleschi, Competition reliefs’ (search Google for image)

Slide 5: Perugia, Fontana Maggiore

Slide 6: Perugia, Fontana Maggiore, det. caryatid

Slide 7: Orvieto Duomo, fa'ade

Slide 8: Orvieto Duomo fa'ade, Eagle of St John

Slide 9: Orvieto Duomo, fa'ade, Madonna and Child
Bronze   canopy   and   marble   Madonna  1425  Masolini

Bronze canopy and marble Madonna 1425 Masolini

Slide 10: Ghiberti, St John Baptist

Slide 11: Ghiberti, St John Baptist, det. drapery (search Google for image)

Slide 12: Donatello, St Louis

Slide 13: Donatello, St Louis, back & side (search Google for image)

Slide 14: Donatello, St Louis, head (search Google for image)

Slide 15: Bernini, St Peter’s Baldacchino

Slide 16: Bernini, Baldacchino, det. angel (search Google for image)

Slide 17: Bernini, CatedraPetri

Slide 18: Bernini, CatedraPetri, det., 2 saints (search Google for image)

Slide 19: Roman, Marcus Aurelius (search Google for image)

Slide 20: Donatello, Gattamelata

Slide 21: Diagram: lost wax casting of equestrian monument runners and risers

Slide 22: Cellini, Perseus

Slide 23: Cellini, Nymph of Fontainebleau

Slide 24: Diagram: piece mould casting (search Google for image)

Slide 25: Leonardo da Vinci, Sjbrza Horse in wooden frame

Slide 26: Leonardo, Mould for Sforza Horse’s leg (search Google for image)

Slide 27: Leonardo, hind quarters of horse: cross-section casting (search Google for image)

Slide 28: Leonardo, Casting Hood for Sforza Horse (search Google for image)

Slide 29: Cellini, Perseus

Slide 30: Cellini, Perseus, det. (search Google for image)

Slide 31: Cellini, wax model for Perseus (search Google for image)

Slide 32: Cellini, bronze model for Perseus (search Google for image)

Slide 33: Cellini, Mercury (search Google for image)

Slide 34: Giambologna, Mercury

Slide 35: Degas, Grande Arabesque

Slide 36: Leonardo, Rearing horse study

Slide 37: Leonardo, Study for the Trivulzio monument

Slide 38: Giambologna, Nessus & Deianira
Giambologna  Jean Boulogne  Nessus   and   Deianira  Florence  Around   1575-1580 Bronze   with   red - brown   patina.H  0.421 m; W  0.305 m  INVCO  176  (Cour)A  native  of  Douai,  Jean Boulogne   made   his   career  in  Florence   where   his   name   was   Italianized   into   Giambologna.  In   addition  to  large   rnarble   sculptures,  Jean Boulogne   made   numerous   models   for   small   bronzes....


Jean Boulogne

Nessus and Deianira


Around 1575-1580

Bronze with red – brown patina.

H 0.421 m; W 0.305 m

INVCO 176 (Cour)

A native of Douai, Jean Boulogne made his career in Florence where his name was Italianized into Giambologna. In addition to large rnarble sculptures, Jean Boulogne made numerous models for small bronzes. These were cast in his workshop and disseminated by his pupils. They were much sought after throughout Europe, and served as diplomatic gifts at the Court of the Medici. The Louvre group is of exceptional quality and one of the very rare examples which has the artist ‘s signature (IOA BOLONGIE on the centaur ‘s headband). It was most probably the bronze given to Louis XIV by Le N'tre in 1693, and shows Jean Boulogne ‘s genius for capturing two figures in action.

Slide 39: Riccio, Shouting Horseman (search Google for image)

Slide 40: Pollaiuolo, Hercules & Antaeus

Slide 41: Donatello, Angel + Tambourine (search Google for image)

Slide 42: Verrocchio, Putto with Dolphin (side view) (search Google for image)

Slide 43: Verrocchio, Putto with Dolphin

Slide 44: Giambologna, Astronomy

Slide 45: Giambologna, Apollo

Slide 46: Antico, Apollo

Slide 47: Riccio, Satyr & Satyress

Slide 48: Donatello, Apostles Door, det. panel (search Google for image)

Slide 49: Donatello, Apostles Door (Old Sacristy)

Slide 50: Donatello, Christ before Pilate & Caiaphas

Slide 51: Donatello, Left Pulpit, Florence, S. Lorenzo (search Google for image)

Slide 52: Donatello, Christ before Caiaphas, det., lunette (search Google for image)

Slide 53: Donatello, Christ before Caiaphas, det., figure (search Google for image)

Slide 54: Giambologna, Turkey

Slide 55: Degas, Dancer looking at sole of her foot

Slide 56: Matisse, Slave (search Google for image)

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