Commune and signoria; good and bad government
Slide 1: San Gimignano
Feedback received: In the recent exhibition of Sienese Renaissance art, this panel was attributed to Sassetta, and the hypothesis was made that it formed part of the Arte della Lana altarpiece of 1423-26. More recent research indicates it represents the port of Porto Ercole, and was painted by Francesco di Bartolommeo in 1455. (Francesco di Bartolommeo would be the so-called Osservanza Master.)
Slide 3: Agostino de Giovanni and Agnolo di Ventura, tomb of Bishop Guido Tarlati, c.1330, Arezzo, cathedral
Slide 4: Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Allegories of Good and Bad Government, Good Government town 1338/9, Siena, Palazzo Pubblico, Sala de’ Nove
Slide 5: Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Allegories of Good and Bad Government, Good Government virtues 1338/9, Siena, Palazzo Pubblico, Sala de’ Nove
Slide 6: Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Allegories of Good and Bad Government, Good Government country 1338/9, Siena, Palazzo Pubblico, Sala de’ Nove
Slide 7: Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Allegories of Good and Bad Government, Bad Government 1338/9, Siena, Palazzo Pubblico, Sala de’ Nove
Slide 8: Simone Martini, Maesta, 1315, Siena, Palazzo Pubblico, Sala del Mappamondo
Slide 9: Simone Martini? and Lippo Memmi?, ‘New Fresco’ (view of Arcidosso) and Guidoriccio da Fogliano (c. 1352?) above former Mappamondo by Ambrogio Lorenzetti, 1345
Feedback received: Guido Riccio and the so-called new fresco. The castle with two figures might represent Arcidosso, by Simone Martini, painted in 1331. For Guido Riccio, there are now over sixty reasons to doubt that Simone painted this fresco, with many of the reasons indicating a date later than the 14th century. Fifty six of these reasons are listed in the book GUIDO RICCIO: A Guide to the Controversy: For Tourists, Scholars, Students, Art Librarians (Siena: Edizioni Notizie d’Arte, 2000, written by Gordon Moran and Michael Mallory).
Civic architecture
Slide 10: Piacenza, Palazzo Comunale, begun 1280
Slide 11: Padua, Palazzo della Ragione, early thirteenth century and 1306
Slide 12: Perugia, Fontana Maggiore, by Nicola Pisano, completed 1278
Slide 13: Palazzo dei Priori, begun 1292
Siena and Florence, Campo (Town Hall) and Palazzo Pubblico
Slide 14: Siena, Campo
Slide 15: Siena, Cathedral 1220-60
Slide 16: Siena, Cathedral new construction begun 1316
Slide 17: Siena, Cathedral west facade begun 1284
Slide 18: Siena, Cathedral east facade
Slide 19: Siena, Cathedral facade design(image not found)
Slide 20: Siena, Cathedral nave
Compare west and east façade schemes with rayonnant west facades such as Strasbourg, begun 1277
Slide 21: Strasbourg cathedral begun 1277
Slide 22: Duccio, Maesta, 1308-11, formerly cathedral, now Museo dell’ Opera del Duomo
Slide 23: Siena, San Francesco, begun 1326
Slide 24: Florence, Baptistry, begun 1046
Slide 25: Florence, Bargello, begun c. 1255
Slide 26: Florence, Palazzo Vecchio, founded 1299
Slide 27: Florence, Santa Maria Novella (Dominican), begun by 1269
Slide 28: Florence, S. Croce (Franciscan), designed c. 1292
Slide 29: Florence, Orsanmichele, founded 1337, with tabernacle by Andrea Orcagna, 1359
Slide 30: Florence, Cathedral of S. Maria del Fiore, begun 1294 by Arnolfo di Cambio
Enlarged scheme adopted by 1368 (Francesco Talenti, Andrea Orcagna and others; compare representation by Andrea di Firenze in Spanish Chapel at S. Maria Novella, c. 1365), bell tower begun 1334 (drawing with original scheme by Giotto?; compare northern spires like Freiburg, begun c. 1280)
Slide 31: Freiburg begun c.1280
Slide 32: Giotto bell tower begun 1334
Northern Italy: communes and courts
Slide 33: Venice, Palazzo Ducale, begun 1340
Slide 34: Mantua, Castello di S. Giorgio, begun c. 1395 by Bartolino da Novara
Slide 35: Verona, monument to Cansignorio della Scala, by Bonino da Campione, c. 1375
Bonino da Campione (active 1350-1390), 1374, marble
Slide 36: Milan, monument to Bernabo Visconti, by Bonino da Campione, c. 1363
formerly on high altar of S. Giovanni in Conca, now Castello Sforzesco
Slide 37: Milan, cathedral, begun 1386
Milan debate between natives and foreign architects; compare Cologne, begun 1248
Slide 38: Cologne cathedral begun 1248