(These are notes of a course given at Birkbeck College by Carol Jacobi in 2005/2006)
19thC The Historical Present
2004 Slides
Slide 1: Benjamin West, ‘The Departure of Regulus from Rome’ full 1769
Detail of Regulus. Ca. 1769. Collection of Her Majesty the Queen.
Slide 2: Benjamin West, ‘The Death of General Wolfe’ 1770
Slide 3: Benjamin West, ‘The Death of Lord Nelson’ 1806
Slide 4: Benjamin West, ‘The Death of Lord Nelson’ 1808
See The Death of Lord Nelson for more detailed information.
Slide 5: David Wilkie ‘The Chelsea Pensioners Reading the Waterloo Dispatch’ 1822
Slide 6: Jacques-Louis David, ‘Marat at his Last Breath’ 1793
Slide 7: Antoine-Jean Gros, ‘The Battle of Nazareth’ 1801
Slide 8: Theodore Gericault, ‘The Charging Light Cavalryman’ 1812
Slide 9: Theodore Gericault, ‘The Wounded Heavy Cavalryman’ 1814
Slide 10: Theodore Gericault, ‘The Raft of the Medusa’ 1819
Slide 11: Theodore Gericault, ‘Severed Limbs’ 1818
Slide 12: Eugene Delacroix, ‘The 28th of July: Liberty Leading the People’ 1830
Slides Used in 2003
Slide 13: Benjamin West, ‘The Departure of Regulus from Rome’ 1769
Slide 14: Benjamin West, ‘The Death of General Wolfe’ 1770
Slide 15: Jacques-Louis David, ‘Marat at his Last Breath’ 1793
Slide 16: Jacques-Louis David, ‘Napoleon at the Saint-Bernard Pass’ 1800
Slide 17: Antoine-Jean Gros, ‘The Battle of Nazareth’ 1801
Slide 18: Antoine-Jean Gros, ‘Napoleon in the Plague House at Jaffa’ 1804
Slide 19: Theodore Gericault, ‘The Charging Light Cavalryman’ 1812
Slide 20: Theodore Gericault, ‘The Wounded Heavy Cavalryman’ 1814
Slide 21: Theodore Gericault, ‘The Raft of the Medusa’ 1819
Slide 22: Theodore Gericault, ‘Severed Limbs’ 1818
Slide 23: Eugene Delacroix, ‘The 28th of July: Liberty Leading the People’ 1830
Slide 24: Gustave Courbet, ‘The Stonebreakers’, 1850