(These are notes of a course given at Birkbeck College by Carol Jacobi in 2005/2006)
19thC Portraiture: The Hero and the Sovereign
Slide 1: Antoine-Jean Gros, ‘Napoleon at Arcole’ 1797
Slide 2: Jacques-Louis David, ‘Napoleon at the Saint-Bernard Pass’ 1800
Slide 3: Antoine-Jean Gros, ‘Portrait of the First Consul’ 1802
Slide 4: Antoine-Jean Gros, ‘Napoleon in the Plague House at Jaffa’, 1804
Slide 5: Antoine-Jean Gros, ‘Napoleon on the Battlefield of Eylau’ 1807
Slide 6: Jacques-Louis David, ‘The Coronation of Napoleon and Josephine at the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris on 2 December 1804’ 1806
Slide 7: Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, ‘Napoleon on the Imperial Throne’ 1806
Slide 8: Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, ‘Jupiter and Thetis’ 1811
Slide 9: Jan van Eyck, ‘Ghent Altarpiece’ 1432
Slide 10: Engraving after Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, ‘Napoleon on the Pont de Kehl’ 1806(image not found)
Slide 11: Antonio Canova, ‘Napoleon as Mars the Peacemaker’ 1803-6
Slide 12: Jacques-Louis David, ‘Napoleon at his Desk’ 1812
Slide 13: Franz Xaver Winterhalter, ‘Queen Victoria’ 1843
Slide 14: David Wilkie, ‘Queen Victoria presiding at her first Privy Council’ 1837
Slide 15: George Hayter, ‘Queen Victoria’ 1863
Slide 16: Sir Edward Landseer, ‘Queen Victoria and Prince Albert at the Bal Costume of 12 May 1842’ 1842
Slide 17: Sir Edwin Landseer, ‘Windsor Castle in Modern Times’ 1841-5
Slide 18: Franz Xaver Winterhalter, ‘Queen Victoria with Prince Arthur’ 1850
Slide 19: Franz Xaver Winterhalter, ‘The Royal Family in 1846′(image not found)
Slide 20: John Calcott Horsley, ‘A Portrait Group of Queen Victoria with her Children’ c.1865(image not found)